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Launch YC: 📃 &AI - Automate patent due diligence in an instant

"AI-powered due diligence for patents and IP"

Comprehensively find prior art, produce robust claim language, invalidate weak patents, and more.

Founded by Caleb HarrisHerbert Turner


&AI is a platform that streamlines patent due diligence. By using AI to understand the inventive aspects of patents and automate the creation of work products, they enable attorneys to instantly and comprehensively find prior art, produce robust claim language, invalidate weak patents, and more.

❌ The Problem

Imagine a law firm is tasked with determining the strength of a patent or set of patent claims. This is an everyday problem for patent attorneys and could be for anything from a patent application to an IP litigation case.

To start, the attorneys need to conduct a prior art search. Typically, either:

  1. The attorneys meet with an outsourced search provider and give them their claims and features of interest. After a week or two, the provider returns with 5-10 reasonable documents, charging up to $10k.
  2. The attorneys manually use boolean keyword searches through databases like Google Patents and decades-old legal research platforms. Over the course of 10-20 billed hours, they have found 5-10 reasonable documents.

In either case, they have already contributed a massive amount of resources to this project without much validation that they are going in the right direction.

With their prior art in hand, the attorneys must evaluate the claims with respect to the art. This involves drafting work products like claim charts, which require several read-throughs of each document to identify and map the relevant language over the course of 20-40 billed hours. By now, the attorneys should have a good idea of the strength of the claims, whether they need to be revised, and whether they may be invalid.

What if they haven’t found the invalidating art? They repeat the process. Over and over again, for every patent, for every case. Due diligence can continue almost indefinitely, and it’s only limited by attorney time and client budgets.

✅ The Solution

Now, imagine the law firm is using &AI. Upon receiving the patent or claims, they find the invalidating prior art and export comprehensive claim charts in seconds! &AI enables both attorneys and inventors to conduct their patent due diligence at a speed, scale, and quality that has never before been possible.

In minutes, they can analyze and compare the inventive aspects of thousands of patents, allowing attorneys to spend less time on tedious work and more time developing their arguments.

They’ve built their platform to be broadly applicable and easy to use. Users can leverage their AI for patent applications, responses to office actions, and invalidity, with use cases of freedom to operate, infringement, and portfolio analysis coming soon.

Image Credits: &AI

🤲 The Ask

They’re actively looking to onboard more tech-forward law firms and company in-houses working with patents. They’d also love to hear directly from individual patent applicants and owners about how &AI tools might serve them. If you’re interested, please connect with them, and they’d love to talk about working together!

Learn More

🌐 Visit www.tryandai.com to learn more

📝 Want to use the product? Contact them

⭐️ Individual patent applicant and/or owner? &AI would love feedback on how they can best serve you, reach out via email!

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August 28, 2024
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