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Launch YC: Inconvo: Ask-AI for customer-facing analytics

"Conversational AI for your dashboard in less than a day."

TL;DR - Inconvo makes it easy for developers to add Ask AI for customer-facing analytics so that users can ask questions on their data in natural language.

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With Inconvo, shipping AI-first analytics is easy. Just send a user question to the API, and it will respond with a chart, table, or text.

Founded by Eoghan Mulcahy & Liam Mulcahy

The Problem

Ask-AI for customer-facing analytics should deliver on its promise of being intelligent, capable of answering dynamic user questions and not limited to a set of basic canned prompts.

But, building genuinely intelligent Ask-AI for customer-facing analytics is hard.

You need…

An AI Agent to dynamically retrieve relevant data that:

  • Automatically connects to your database.
  • Intelligently queries, joins, filters, and transforms data based on user questions.
  • Responds with answers in human-readable formats (text, chart, table).
Image Credits: Inconvo

AI Evaluations to measure you agent’s performance before and after deployment that:

  • Allows you to build a dataset of conversation-answer pairs for evaluation.
  • Assess your agent's ability to answer these evaluation pairs.
Image Credits: Inconvo

A Semantic Layer to ensure accurate data retrieval that:

  • Maps user terminology to database field names.
  • Facilitates the creation of computed fields and alternative field labels.

Data Access Control to restrict your AI agent’s database access that:

  • Allows you to turn off access to whole tables or individual columns.
  • Allows you to set if a table can be queried directly or only joined into.
Image Credits: Inconvo

Multi-tenancy support to ensure results are scoped to the requestor’s access that is:

  • Configurable on a per-request basis.
  • Defined by you based on your existing data structures.

Their Solution

Inconvo provides a single API call to power genuinely intelligent Ask AI for customer-facing analytics.

Image Credits: Inconvo

Behind this API call, Inconvo handles all the hard problems of Ask AI for customer-facing analytics.

Inconvo connects to your database to automatically retrieve the right data to answer your users’ questions. Then, you’re in charge of presenting the API responses to your users in a way that fits your design.

Image Credits: Inconvo

Inconvo is purpose-built to overcome the challenges of Ask-AI for customer-facing analytics, providing tools that handle multi-tenancy, database access control, AI evaluation, and a semantic layer.

Learn More

🌐 Visit to learn more.
📅 Engage - book a demo call.
🤝 Connect - ping the founders here if you want to chat more or make an intro.
👣 Follow Inconvo on LinkedIn.
March 14, 2025
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