David J. Phillips @davj / 6:30 PM PST • February 6, 2023

Today, Kivo Health launched on Y Combinator’s “Launch YC”.

Launch YC: Kivo Health - Telehealth lung rehab

Kivo Health is building a telehealth platform for lung disease rehab.

The company is founded by Victor Sadauskas & Vaughn Koch. Victor is a serial founder and technologist, and Vaughn is an Emergency Medicine doctor at Stanford. 

How it Works:

The Kivo Kit, equipped with a cellular-enabled iPad, a Bluetooth pulse oximeter, and workout equipment, is shipped to patients.

Image Credits: Kivo Health

Then, 2x weekly for 2 months, patients participate in live video sessions with an expert respiratory therapist. During these sessions, the respiratory therapists:

  • Monitor patients with real-time pulse oximetry
  • Improve their lung function with exercise
  • Teach them breathing techniques, inhaler use, and many other key lessons

Image Credits: Kivo Health

How to learn more:

Visit https://kivohealth.com/

How you can help:

If you know someone who has COPD or any other lung disease, consider telling them about Kivo Health. Please note, patients must be referred by their physician. Additionally, introductions to pulmonologists would be greatly appreciated by the Kivo Health team.

March 14, 2025
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