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Launch YC: Locale: Unlock 50% more daily energy ⚡️ by optimizing what you eat

"High protein meals designed for longevity"

TL;DR: After noticing how much his diet impacted productivity, Chris spent six months researching and A/B testing different diets to find one that gave his the most energy and mental clarity. Eventually, he found a protocol that worked — not just for him, but for dozens of his closest friends. But Chris couldn't find the time to cook consistently and no meal service met his standards. So he built his own: Locale.

Founded by Christopher Clark, Jonathan Friedland & Kaveh Nemati

Problem ❌

As a founder, Chris has never had time to cook, so he would always settle for Doordash meals that made him feel sluggish and low energy. After doing some research, he realized that most prepared meals have:

  • Low quality and processed ingredients - produce sprayed with synthetic pesticides and sauces filled with processed ingredients and artificial emulsifiers (neurotoxins that can harm brain function over time)
  • Unhealthy oils - full of low-quality vegetable and seed oils, which throw off your Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio (key to optimal cellular and brain function)
  • Little to no fiber and protein – dietary fiber and lean muscle mass are both huge components to regulating blood sugar (critical to sustaining energy levels)
  • Packaging full of microplastics - heating food in plastic containers leeches toxic chemicals and disrupts hormones

After realizing that the way he eats can have a huge effect on his productivity levels, Chris started trying out “healthy” meal delivery services. Most tasted bad and claimed to be healthy, but after digging deeper, he realized it was mostly BS marketing with no real nutrition standards to back them up.

The Blueprint service appeared to be the best option, but after doing more research, he found that they just outsourced their food production to a company that uses seed oils and low-quality ingredients.

Every service he tried was compromised in some way. Chris couldn’t find any options that hit all of the science-based health standards that he cared about and helped his perform his best.

Solution 💡

Chris spent a long time doing research (and crunching studies with chatGPT) to come up with a strict list of rules for the food that he wanted to eat. Then, he found an experienced chef with over 20 years of fine dining experience and gave him a carefully curated list of approved ingredients for each meal.

Image Credits: Locale

The meals that he created were delicious, and after a few weeks, Chris started noticing he felt different. He had more energy throughout the day, felt much less fatigue after a long day of work, and started sleeping better.

His friends asked to join in and get meals from his chef, and many began to notice the same benefits that he did. That’s when Chris decided to offer this as a service to everyone.

Learn More

🌐 Visit shoplocale.com to learn more.
🥕 Have you found any nutritional hacks that have helped you be more productive? Tell them what worked (or didn't). Feel free to email the founder here.
🥦 Want to try Locale and live in the SF Bay Area or LA? Check it out here. They will include 2 free meals on your first order.
👣 Follow Locale on LinkedIn.

March 26, 2025
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