Offstream recently launched!

Launch YC: Offstream - Streamlined carbon compliance for project developers
"Less time on paperwork, more time scaling decarbonization"

Founded by
Varsha Ramesh Walsh & Zach Janicki

👥 The Team

Meet Varsha and Zach, the co-founders of Offstream. They’re automating carbon compliance for project developers.

5 years ago, Varsha struggled through carbon compliance as a project developer at Indigo Ag. While at HBS, she spoke to hundreds of developers with the same challenges she faced, who all asked for a solution to their compliance bottleneck.

Zach brings many years of full-stack software engineering experience at early-stage startups across compliance, legal, and accounting. He brings much-needed insight into building scalable products that replace people-intensive workflows.

❗The Problem

Despite a growing amount of funding (to the tune of $2T annually) flowing into new decarbonization projects, it is incredibly challenging for project developers to complete the paperwork needed to access that funding.

Today, carbon project developers navigate a complex web of credits, regulations, and market standards. This information comes from local, state, and federal governments, NGOs, industry coalitions, and investors.

Tracking and reporting on compliance data is time-consuming, opaque, and expensive. The standards are dense, and most teams manage millions of data points in Excel and emailed PDFs, creating admin headaches.

🏆 The Solution

Image Credits: Offstream

Offstream is a one-stop shop for carbon compliance, making it simple for carbon project developers to get compliant and stay compliant with regulatory and voluntary market compliance standards.

Users set up and generate life cycle assessments (LCA), which are a core component of all compliance standards. Offstream builds off the LCA to generate compliance documentation at a fraction of the cost and time of alternatives.

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🤝 Are you ready to stop spending time on paperwork and spend more time scaling decarbonization? Join us.

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October 11, 2024
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