Reditus Space recently launched!

Launch YC: Reditus Space: Reusable Satellites for zero-g manufacturing

"Revolutionizing manufacturing beyond Earth's atmosphere"

Founded by Stef Crum & Will Sherman

They met at Georgia Tech while they were both pursuing their PhD’s in Aerospace Engineering. They have worked on several satellite missions and re-entry and recovery with NASA & the DoD.

Image Credits: Reditus Space

The Problem

Access and Return from space is almost entirely dependent on the International Space Station (ISS), a costly, slow, and overly bureaucratic process. Zero-G manufacturing is currently at a turning point, transitioning from research to producing materials for use on Earth. The current space infrastructure cannot provide consistent access & return for zero-g manufacturing, and that is where they come in.

Why produce anything in space at all?

The absence of gravity in space means that there is no sedimentation or convection. In turn, that means during the formation of materials, you are able to make them more homogenous on an atomic level. This has huge implications for pharmaceuticals, semiconductors, and biologics. You are able to create materials in space that cannot be produced on Earth.

In short, the material production has to be so precise that gravity is too much of a disturbing force and needs to be removed.

What are they building right now?

Right now the team is working on their first full-scale re-entry mission, the ENOS mission, which will be launching on a Falcon 9 in a launch window starting in March '26. They will be hosting a pharmaceutical R&D payload on-orbit and fully re-enter and recover the satellite.

Check out the following video for more info about ENOS!

Learn More

🌐 Visit to learn more.
🤝  They are actively looking to expand their customer base. If you have any connections within the pharmaceutical or the semiconductor industry, especially the very large companies, they would love to talk to you! Even if you think that your company doesn’t do anything in space, very often they do. Reach out to the founders here.
👣 Follow Reditus Space on LinkedIn & X.

March 14, 2025
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