Sweep recently launched!

Launch YC: Sweep: JetBrains AI Coding Assistant

"Sweep built a self-hostable AI coding assistant for JetBrains IDEs."

TLDR: JetBrains developers have to choose between the latest AI features and the IDE that they love. Sweep is an AI coding assistant purpose-built for JetBrains that gives you both.

Founded by William Zeng & Kevin Lu

Hey everyone, meet William and Kevin - cofounders of Sweep 🧹

Is your team using JetBrains? Reach out to the founders via email here or book a demo here.

About the team

William (CEO) was promoted to a Senior ML Engineer at Roblox in 1.5 years. Kevin (CTO) was the top student in his class at U Waterloo for Math and CS. Martin (Founding Team) was working as a Senior Engineer before he graduated college.

They’re all big IntelliJ and PyCharm users, and they previously built an AI coding agent with >7k github stars.


Current AI coding assistants have poor support for JetBrains. GitHub Copilot in JetBrains is a far cry from VSCode, and other plugins aren’t much better.

The team at Sweep has heard:

“I love the features in JetBrains as an IDE but the AI sucks”

“I see all of these AI coding assistants on VSCode, and I check if they support JetBrains, and I always get disappointed when they don’t.”

Engineers who don’t use AI coding assistants are less productive. But engineers who have to switch away from their IDEs are even less productive.


Sweep makes it easy to use AI in JetBrains with our self-hostable plugin. Engineers keep their existing code editor with no data leakage and the best AI features.

Sweep makes it seamless to give the AI context. Sweep automatically sees the current file and codebase, saving you precious clicks.

Animated GIF

By clicking “apply” you can seamlessly review and integrate Sweep’s code changes.

Animated GIF

Finally, Sweep can deploy everything on-prem, unlike other AI coding assistants that take your code and data.

Image Credits: Sweep

Learn More

🌐 Visit sweep.dev to learn more.

⚡ Sweep is now available on the JetBrains marketplace. Try them out under Sweep AI.

📅 To learn more about Sweep's on-prem deployments you can book a call here.

📧 Is your team using JetBrains? Reach out to the founders via email here or book a demo here.
👣 Follow Sweep on LinkedIn & X.

March 13, 2025
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