Kastle recently launched!

Launch YC: Kastle - AI servicing for mortgage lending

"AI voice and sms agents for mortgage lending"

✨ TL;DR: Kastle builds AI voice and SMS agents for mortgage lending. They help lenders collect payments, answer loan questions, and qualify new loan inquiries using an AI team member.

Founded by
Rishi Choudhary & Nitish Poddar

🤝 Team

Rishi and Nitish who met at UIUC while studying engineering and computer science.

  • Rishi (CEO) led Redfin's Mortgage Marketplace team as a Product Manager and realized traditional mortgage lenders didn't have the infrastructure to service online inquiries and were losing customers. He also led Redfin's Search Experience team, which is responsible for 80% of the company's traffic, and is passionate about serving homeowners.
  • Nitish (CTO) was a tech lead at Verkada, where he led development for a patented motion search system and built out the entire backend inference infrastructure. He also led the firmware delivery team on a new fleet management system and led engineering for Incident Management, Verkada's newest product line.

❌  The Problem

Mortgage servicers don’t have enough support agents to collect payments and answer customer questions. This leads to

  • Borrowers waiting in long queues just to make their payment or get a question answered.
  • Existing agents working long hours and multi-tasking to get through the queue. This leads to poor service and loss in repeat business for lenders.

Since the call volume varies throughout the week, mortgage servicers are unable to scale their support agent team to meet the additional demand, leading to high average response times and unhappy loan investors.

🏰 Enter Kastle

Kastle automates calls to collect payments and answer escrow questions, using AI voice agents. This helps lenders provide 24/7 service to customers, drive upsells, reduce call center costs by 90%, and ensure no borrower ever waits in line to make a payment or answer a question about their loan.

Checkout Kastle's AI voice agent

They seamlessly integrate with a lender’s mortgage servicing system and telephony system to perform actions, leave loan comments, and route calls back to live agents if needed. Lenders can use pre-built action blocks to configure the AI agent.

Image Credits: Kastle

Kastle also automatically scores each AI call against a lender’s quality framework to ensure regulatory compliance.

Image Credits: Kastle

🙏 Ask

  • Please make intros to any mortgage servicing or default management executives.
  • **If you’re a lender or sub-servicer looking to reduce costs and better retain customers, please book a demo here or email them here.

Learn More

🌐 Visit www.kastle.ai to learn more! 

⭐️ Introduce them to any mortgage servicing or default management executives.

👀 If you’re a lender or sub-servicer looking to reduce costs and better retain customers, please book a demo here or email them here.

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September 13, 2024
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